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How To Unclog A Toilet

by UPSCALED June 16, 2022 2 POPULAR READ

Clogged toilets are a pain, but thankfully there are some easy ways to fix them! In this article, we'll show you how to unclog a toilet with just a few simple tools. First, try using a plunger. If that doesn't work, you can try using a toilet auger. If neither of those work, you may need to call a professional.

toilet bowl

What Causes Toilets to Clog?

There are many things that can cause toilets to clog, but some of the most common culprits are things that people flush down the toilet without realizing they shouldn’t. These include things like paper towel, feminine hygiene products, and baby wipes. While these items may seem safe to flush, they can actually cause major problems for your plumbing. Another common cause of toilet clogs is simply having too much toilet paper on the roll. When people use too much toilet paper, it can bunch up and cause a blockage.
toilet paper

How to Prevent Toilets from Clogging

Nobody likes a clogged toilet. But unfortunately, they happen. Toilets can become clogged for a variety of reasons - from too much toilet paper to flushing things you shouldn't. Luckily, there are some things you can do to help prevent your toilet from becoming clogged in the first place.

Here are some tips for preventing toilets from clogging:
• Don't flush anything except human waste and toilet paper. This may seem obvious, but many people flush things like cigarette butts, hair, and paper towels down the toilet. These items can easily clog your toilet.
• Use less toilet paper. While it's important to clean yourself properly after using the restroom, you don't need to use a ton of toilet paper. Just use enough to get the job done.
• Don't put feminine hygiene products in the toilet. These products are designed to absorb liquids and will only cause your toilet to clog more if you try to flush them.
• Have a plumber check your toilets regularly. This is especially important if you have an older home with older pipes. A plumber can check for any potential problems and make sure your toilets are in good working order.
toilet bowl

When to Call a Professional

There are some things in life that you just shouldn't try to tackle on your own, and unclogging a toilet is one of them. Unless you know exactly what you're doing (and even then we recommend calling a professional), you could end up making the problem worse, or even injuring yourself. So when do you know it's time to call a professional? Here are a few signs:

-The water is rising and won't stop: If you've tried plunging and the water keeps rising, it's time to call a professional. This could be a sign of a bigger problem further down the line that will only get worse if not dealt with properly.
-You can hear water gurgling: If you hear water gurgling from your toilet, it means there is air in the line which is a sure sign of a blockage.
-There's sewage backup: If there is sewage backing up into your toilet (or anywhere else in your home), this is an extremely serious issue that needs to be dealt with immediately by a professional.
Connor ODea
Connor ODea

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